The role of the Apostle to some Christians has passed away with the last disciple 2000 years ago. Yet there are Apostles today and so this teaching is a little about the Apostle in the Five-fold ministry offices mentioned in the Bible. You can get deeper teaching than this in other places if you look long and hard but suffice to say here, this will be a good start for the novice to see if they fit the role of the Apostle.
The Apostle should be able to function in the whole five of the five-fold ministry offices being Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist,Pastor, and Teacher.
The Apostle is like a pastor of pastors. The greek aparently means "sent one." Some people therefore consider the missionary as an Apostle and in some way they are. A Pastor of pastors is a man or woman that can come to any church and consult with the Holy Spirit and preach the Word of God and correct any error in that church. An Apostle has many pastors and many churches sometimes under his/her care. They can plant churches and are very good at doing so, though an Apostle can preach and oversee many churches and not plant any.
As an Apostle, the person should be able to walk in quite a few of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. They should at least be able to:
1. Speak in tongues
2. Interpret tongues.
3. Prophesy
4. Walk in word of Knowledge.
5. Operate in Word of Wisdom
6. Act in discernment of spirits so they can cast out demons.
7. Heal the sick
Good ones can also walk in:
8 The gift of faith
9. The gift of miracles
I heard a famous Indian Apostle once teach that when 500,000 starving for help and restoration Indians travel for days to get to your crusade and they come for answers, it makes a lot of sense for you to be able to minsiter to ANY NEED that they have. He said it makes no sense for the deperate Indians to just get some good teaching when they need to be healed or they need a miricale.
The Apostle has a prophetic mantle on Him. His preaching can be weighty and can have POWER to change, more so in POWER than the average pastor may have. The Apostle can carry an annointing so strong so that he can bring breakthroughs wherever he goes and wherever God calls him to go.
An Apostle once taught me, that an Apostle who is acting in his full office and not working as a senior pastor on a Salary walks by faith and should be in other churches outside his home church for 9 to 10 months of the year. An Apostles annointing can keep you glued to your seat for 6 hours and time moves really fast.
I hope this gives you enough information.
With Peace, Joy, Light, And Love.
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